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Old 05-27-2013, 07:37 PM
RichardDBeck RichardDBeck is offline
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Originally Posted by atvdave View Post
I think what Richard is saying in the video is that when you check your gun for normal use such as every day carry, if you train yourself to all ways pull back the slide to make sure there is a round in the chamber and see brass, you will tell yourself that you are good to go. If when you are field striping your gun and you pull back the slide to check for a round in the chamber, you may mistakenly tell yourself you are good to go if you see brass in the chamber, as you have trained yourself to look for brass to make sure your gun is ready for carry. I'm not saying I agree or disagree, just trying to explain what I got from the video, and his explanation.

Yes this is exactly what I was trying to say. The idea is to mentally make checking your chamber two different procedures. The idea is to slow yourself down by forcing yourself to look for two possible conditions. Ready is "with brass" and an "empty chamber" is unloaded.

Chamber checks can become a muscle memory. Once a skill is a muscle memory you no longer think about it and make mistakes.

It's like when you get talking to the passenger in your car and find yourself driving to work instead of where you really wanted to go.
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