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Old 08-30-2013, 02:04 AM
Class III Class III is offline
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Per DWalt: "Not just ammunition, but many government solicitations are so unclear there will be dozens to hundreds of questions directed to the contracting officer by prospective bidders submitted for clarification. In fact I have seen the Q&A routine repeated 3 or 4 times, because the answers provided are themselves unclear, misleading, or just don't make any sense. My all-time favorite answer from the contracting officer is the always helpful "see the solicitation.""

Try bidding on a contract where 90% - 100% of the RFP has been redacted. Happened to me on MULTIPLE occasions.

Try bidding on a contract where the gub-mint is buying direct from supplier or manufacturer on a GSA price list that hasn't been updated since 1998, 14 years at the time. Happened to me last year. My GSA contact TOLD me the customary ballpark price that I could charge to install the material they would be purchasing direct from the manufacturer at 1998 pricing. The customary labor price was taken directly from the 1998 GSA Labor Rates Chart. Needless to say I did not submit a bid based on 1998 pricing. In fact I did not bid.

Try gaining access to a secured gub-mint site to survey a job so you can submit a bid and being told "No Entry Beyond This Point without Escort" and the "Escort Point of Contact" listed in the RFP for site survey is on maternity leave and won't be returning until four weeks after bids are due.

Ta'int nuttin like dealins wit da GUB-MINT.

Class III
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