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Old 01-11-2017, 07:28 PM
Disabled1 Disabled1 is offline
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I started out with a Sport I and still have it. I almost lost it once in a trade, but, said trade had some harsh stipulations and I got it back, THANK GOD!
And, the day I was test firing a Sport II it was a well abused Peas Of......well, you know. In all fairness, I think that's what made the Ruger gleam like a diamond in a goats (donkey) when I shot it. It was brand new, just unboxed, and I was the first one to shoot it. All this happened at my buddies gun shop down in N'awlins.
My cousin and his brother have each bought a Sport II just recently. I have shot them and they shoot just as good as my AR-556. Not better than my Sport I, but, I contribute that to the 5R barrel.
Not to get too far off subject here, but, my son has had my Sport I now for over 2 months. He has an AR-556, but, his cousin was thinking about buying a Sport I awhile back. He asked if he could borrow mine to let his cousin take it to the range and try it before he buys the other Sport I. Does any of your kids ever borrow your firearms for longer than usual lengths of time? How do you convince them in the future to bring it back when YOU say so, and not when THEY think so? This is the first time ever he has done this and I think his cousin is using it as a FREE ride, if you understand me. I can be mean, but, I choose not to. But, I want to handle it in a mature adult way, not like when he was younger and I would take his privileges away from him. It has been so long (since he was 17, he's 29 now) that I think I have forgot.
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