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Old 05-14-2018, 10:08 PM
rpollard01 rpollard01 is offline
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Tell me why?

I've seen scientific data on numerous sources where lead and other heavy metals are the cause of diseases like Alzheimer. I've done research for close to 10 years on health related subjects. There's even warnings on labels with anything with lead that has the potential of being airborne.

The lead and other heavy metals research I've done had nothing to do with soft/hard cast bullets. It was exposure in food and water sources that are considered dangerous by the EPA.

Should stress that I have not studied the effects of soft/hard cast bullets on humans. But, since there are even warning labels on lead based ammo, I would assume there's a reason for that...

Also, it's entirely possible that the airborne lead effect is lessened as the hardness of the lead increases??? Not sure.


Last edited by rpollard01; 05-14-2018 at 10:20 PM.
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