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Old 05-17-2018, 12:01 AM
Join Date: Jun 2011
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We have a local gun Smith here in town that teaches a CCW course and when he hears someone talk about getting into reloading he gives them one of my business cards.

If they call I will show them how to load but the first thing I do is show them a CD that my granddaughter cut for me. It shows gun blowing up and folks posting on Youtube showing "how it is done" that have no need to be reloading, I have 3 types of presses. The first one is a Hornady single stage. I have two of them. I set them up the same way and when I pull a handle they pull a handle. I explain how each prosses can result in a catastrophic failure. I show them how to check each stage along the way After we make 20 rounds we move on to the Lee turret. Again I have two of them and we go through the same procedures that we did with the single stage. The only thing different with the turret is this is the press where I show how to set up the dies. And on the turret, we make 30 rounds. We then move on to my progressive presses Now. I have 4 Hornady Ammo-Plants. We make 50 rounds on them.

After we are done I ask them what kind of press they like. If they like the progressive or single stage I get them in contact with a buddy that has a 650 Dillon and a Rockchucker that he will help them out on.

The next day they return to my range with their gun and I have them pick out 10 rounds that they made and have them load 5 into their gun. Now, remember I have scared the **** out of them explaining how one small mistake will ruin or blow up their gun and how it can remove a finger or even kill you. I then watch their face when they pull the trigger. The first pull it is pure terror, the second is fear the third is normal and the fourth and fifth is a big smile. Now while they are shooting my grandson slips one more of their rounds into their bag. When they go back to reload the now, notice that there are six rounds instead of five. I tell them that I added a round that either has no power or it might be very hot. I tell them that I want them to shoot them but to listen and feel for any difference I have only had two refuse to shoot them. They got a hug right away. The ones that shoot all six rounds get a wack to the back of the head, and a Dad lecture. I explain to them that There was a round that was going to at least ruin your gun and possibly kill you and you shot them anyway. Why?

At the end of the shoot, I give them all the rounds they made and even though I provided the brass the primers, the power, and the bullets. I then explain to them"I don't shoot your reloads. You don't shoot mine." And that is the best way to go. I then explain all they owe me is a handshake or a hug. And I want to know what type of press they get. Now as far as all you cops, you all need more loving. Every one of the guys I taught gave me a hug.
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