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Old 07-23-2020, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by JS Esq. View Post
If the issue is self-defense - ostensibly the reason for the current uptick in sales - it would seem the "accuracy" of a given rifle is largely meaningless. If you take a shot at 200 yards and claim you were in imminent danger, you're likely to have some explaining to do.../
I agree that you'd need to have to demonstrate an imminent threat existed. On the other hand we are living in some strange times right now, and threats can exist at long range.

I grew up out west and I had one relative shot at by an assailant with a rifle in the 1980s. (There were some racial tensions involved). He kept driving out of the kill zone, but had that not been possible, he'd have stood virtually zero chance with just a pistol.

There are reasons officers carry patrol rifles, and in a rural area one of those reasons is very much self defense. The same can apply to civilians when faced with an assailant with a rifle over open ground with little or no cover and/or a very slow police response time - if you even have cell coverage to call the police.


At the moment my preferred truck gun is an AR-15 braced pistol in 9mm with a Burris 332 on top. As a handgun I can legally carry it loaded in my vehicle, along with a bag full of 32 round magazines, I can reliably hit torso size targets with it out to 200 yards and at about 120 dB it won't leave me deaf if I have to use it in close quarters.

Do I expect to engage an assailant at 200 yards? No. But it's nice to have the capability to engage an assailant at ranges beyond where I can accurately and effectively engage a point target with my conceal carry CZ 75 PCR or CZ 2075 RAMI.
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