Smith & Wesson Forum

Smith & Wesson Forum Rules
Terms of Service
In order to proceed, you must agree with the following rules:

Terms of Service

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index.


S&W Forum ( MEMBERSHIP and ongoing ACCESS to the forum requires ACCEPTANCE and COMPLIANCE with ALL of the following TERMS OF SERVICE.

By joining or participating on, you agree to read, accept, and abide by the Rules and Disclaimers posted in various forums on this board.

The General Forum Rules are readily available in The Announcements section, and at the top of The Lounge and 2nd Amendment Forums.

Certain of the sub-forums, such as each of the Classified Ad sections, and Feedback forums have their own guidelines and Rules posted as a “sticky” at the top of the forum. Members are required to comply with those Rules which are hereby incorporated by reference into the Terms of Service.

We’re a community with quality standards and expect our members to make a sincere effort to contribute their thoughts on interesting subjects in a meaningful and respectful manner. Posting messages and otherwise interacting on this board is completely optional; many members often prefer to just read what others have to say.

If you do choose to post, we expect you to adhere to the polite standards of behavior that would be acceptable in any public group or place, and to respect the time of others by posting meaningfully.

We support The National Rifle Association. We believe The NRA is the biggest and best dog in the fight to protect gun rights and the Second Amendment. You may not believe that, but this board is not your platform for NRA bashing.
In plain terms: NRA bashing is NOT allowed. Take it somewhere else.

Stated simply, it WON’T be tolerated. If in doubt about a post, DON’T. As a community with a diverse variety of members and readers of all ages and backgrounds and beliefs, we ask members to post without using crude or vulgar language or images- PERIOD. In addition, the "masking" of vulgarity by inserting ** or another keystroke in place of one or more letters in a vulgar term is unacceptable in most cases. This applies to all content submitted by users including post text, images, PM’s, album pics, profile pics, avatars and signatures.

This is a public board viewable by people of all ages, genders, and demographic groups. We expect you to conduct yourself in a mature, courteous manner. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Inflammatory, libelous, slanderous, lewd, obscene, bigoted, indecent, and threatening posts will not be tolerated.

We are a diverse community of gun enthusiasts, from different backgrounds and with different perspectives on our hobby and life in general.

The mission of this forum is to provide a place for friendly, informative discussion of the products of Smith & Wesson throughout time. Opinions and viewpoints will vary. You agree to respect the other members of this forum, and to allow them the right to have and retain their own opinions and viewpoints.
You have the option in your User CP to 'Ignore' those posters you find disagreeable.

Sometimes people can write something that you may find offensive. Before launching into a public condemnation though, please consider that the person may not have intended to cause offense. It is very easy to misinterpret a post on forums since we cannot see expressions and hear the tone it is spoken in. This is especially true when dealing with multinational citizens. There is absolutely no need to resort to insults. Respect others' views even if you disagree with them.
Don’t automatically assign the worst possible intent to a post you may not quite understand.

Harassment occurs when a member insults, attacks, and denigrates another member at any time. We have zero tolerance for taking an argument about any topic to a personal level. For instance, the use of terms such as "idiot”, “moron”, "stupid", and other derogatory terms constitutes harassment. Repeated critical and sharply negative posts toward a forum member can also constitute harassment. This applies to all content submitted by users including posts, private messages, avatars, and signatures. Offenders may be warned, given a "vacation" from the forum or an outright ban depending on the severity of the harassment.

There is a Rules & Information section at the top of the Main Menu. All members are required to periodically check that section for important announcements and policy changes.

We understand the dissatisfaction with the lock currently in Smith & Wesson revolvers. We are not fond of it. However, constantly berating the point at every opportunity is ridiculous. Bashing someone’s new gun because it contains a lock is definitely bad form, and will be deleted and/or moderated. Calm statements of your preference are tolerable.

Each individual may open only one membership/user account. Members are not to share their account with others. When multiple accounts for an individual are discovered, a member may be warned, or all accounts may be permanently banned at the sole discretion of management. Even in households with more than one member in residence, each should have their own account. We do not normally delete user accounts. If you choose to leave, simply leave your account. Your data is not shared with any entity. Banned members who register again will be banned again.
User Names which are offensive or disturbing due to vulgarity or for any other reason may be changed, banned, or deleted at our discretion.
User Names and avatars cannot contain political or offensive statements.

Intentionally disturbing the peace, creating needless fights, constantly arguing, bashing other members, and obnoxious behavior in general disrupts the board and is not allowed.
Disruption can include harassment, slander, using multiple user accounts, multiple posting of the same post and posting completely off topic messages. Intentional disruption of the board may get you banned.

Without prior permission from the Admin, refrain from using this forum to advertise your site, commercial services or website. Posts of this kind will be locked or deleted.

Posting material from other sources in whole or in part without prior permission from the copyright owner is forbidden. Such sources include books, magazines, newspapers, forums, blogs, and websites, etc, etc- ANYTHING that is copyrighted. LOOK before you copy it!

Any member who requires excessive moderation and/or supervision can be banned at the sole discretion of the management.
Constantly or repeatedly ignoring the Rules for the Classified sections can result in removal of your access to those sections or banishment from this board.

Any messages you post in these public discussion forums may remain available to the public for as long as this discussion board is online. Please post carefully, with due consideration to the content of your post. The forum is not obligated to delete any post once made. We reserve the right to leave, move, close, or delete any thread without notification. We reserve the right to leave, restore, delete, or move any post as we deem appropriate without notification. We may also edit a post for the purpose of deleting objectionable content without notification.

Social Groups are subject to the same guidelines as the main forums, and if these groups become a problem for the Administrators and Moderation staff, appropriate action, ranging from changes in the group to an outright disbanding of the group may be taken.

Please do not use these forums for personal disputes, heated debates, flame wars etc. You are expected to treat each other with respect in the forums and take any personal disputes to a private mode of discussion off the forums. If you should find that your discussion is becoming too heated or someone is becoming far too passionate about their argument, please take the discussion to private message or email.

Personal discussions are threads that, while posted in the public forum, are intended for a discussion between only a few members. These kinds of topics are frowned upon and will be locked or removed as soon as they are discovered. Public posts should be open and inviting to all members. Personal discussions among a select group of users should take place in private message.

Discussions or comments that are political, religious, anti-religious, sexual, sexist, racist, homophobic, and/or generally contentious in nature are not allowed.
Gratuitous images of graphic violence, discussion of gay rights/homosexuality, and pro/con abortion discussions are not allowed. News links about these subjects and just general news links are not allowed. All members are capable of reading news sites if they choose and we don't need for you to be our "News Index".

We hear a lot about "MY Freedom of Speech can't be restricted!!!"
Save it.
This board is privately owned property that is made available for free public use within our Rules, Terms of Service (TOS), and guidelines.
Everyone who registers here has agreed to be bound by all of those.
That means we have the right to forbid, limit, or restrict certain topics, crude language as defined by us, and types of behavior.
You have the right not to post here if you disagree with those Rules, TOS, or guidelines.
You have the right to be somewhere else.

A troll is a person who posts something which is bound to stir people up and then sits back and watches as dozens of people jump in and start arguing. Sometimes trolls get their friends to join in or post under different names. Generally they will do anything it takes to get attention. If you see a message like this, please refrain from replying to it – REPORT it!

Trolls are sometimes deceitful and may be very subtle in insulting, intimidating, or inciting a person or persons for their own sadistic pleasure. They often pick their words very carefully and are therefore able to defend their masked attempts at creating unrest, often redirecting the blame onto the community and its failure to understand them properly.

Also considered to be Trolling:
Running a topic into the ground incessantly, as in “beating a dead horse”, and or dragging up an argument long after the original discussion has been put to rest.

Power-posting is when board members post 'empty' messages on the board, in order to simply increase their number of posts more quickly. Power posting is generally frowned upon. Examples of power-posting are replying to a message with only '+1', 'LOL' , 'Thanks for the heads up' or 'I agree', but failing to contribute anything further to the discussion. If you reply to a message, make sure you have something to say. Power posting clutters up the forums, clutters up the 'new posts' function, and uses extra bandwidth and server space. We don't mind people using bandwidth to chat usefully on the board. If you're not sure if you're power-posting, take a moment and think it over before you post. If all your post contains is an emoticon, it's a power-post. If it adds something to the discussion, it isn't.

Short posts in The Lounge are usually not frowned upon.

Cross-posting is posting the same question to multiple sub-forums. This is generally not permitted. Any cross-posted topic will probably be locked or deleted.

Try to place your post in the correct forum for the topic. Our forums have been carefully categorized so that most Smith & Wesson items fit into one specific forum. Read the forum subtitles to determine where your post fits. You can find the Main Menu by clicking Forum in the navigation bar at the top of every page. Any post that is deemed by the staff to be in the wrong forum will be moved to the correct location or deleted. If moved, there is usually a director link to the moved post that lasts a few hours.

Other brands of guns can be discussed in Firearms & Knives - Other Brands.

Thread hijacking is the process of replying to an existing thread with a different topic. This is tolerated but discouraged. It is usually better to start a new thread if you have a topic that is clearly unrelated to the topic of the thread. On the other hand, it is better to respond to the existing thread with additional information or knowledge, or questions about the topic at hand.

Posts that hijack a serious thread with off-topic discussion are strongly discouraged and may be deleted or edited by forum staff.

Despite our best efforts, you will very occasionally see spam on the forums. Simply click the Red Triangle at the top of any post to report it.

Repetitive posts by one user or posting a new thread when one is already easily accessible can be considered spam. TRY USING THE SEARCH FUNCTION FIRST!

Flaming, in the most common sense definition, is saying something negative in an attempt to get a more negative response. This is completely unacceptable. It will not be tolerated, and will often be punished severely. Never resort to personal insults, never extend a debate beyond the topic on hand needlessly, and try to avoid patronizing language.

Do not post staff complaints on the open forum. They have the final say. Any decision made by the administrators and moderators is final and must be respected. They're charged with making this community as enjoyable for as many people as they possibly can by enforcing our Rules and standards. They cannot always please everyone with the decisions made.
If you receive a Reminder or Infraction, read the Rules before asking why.
If your thread or post is deleted, consult the rules before contacting the staff.

You may be issued a Reminder or an Infraction point for violating The Rules. Infractions carry different point values for different offenses. They range from one to five points. Points expire after a given time period.

Accumulating three points incurs an automatic 3 day suspension.
Accumulating five points incurs an automatic 10 day suspension.
Accumulating seven points incurs an automatic 1 month suspension. A permanent ban might be considered at this point.
Accumulating ten points incurs an automatic 2 month suspension.
Repetitive offenders will be considered for permanent banishment.

Admin/Ownership team reserves the right to move directly to permanent banning with no warning or discussion if they feel that the member is a troll intent on disrupting the board or simply will not comply with the rules and standards of the board.
More data here- Reminders and Infractions

Donations to the are non-refundable.

Donations to the forum are NOT tax deductible.

Donations to the forum will not exempt a member from the required adherence to The Rules, moderation, or banishment.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the S-W Forum LLC. (, its Owners/Administrators, and its Moderators and staff for any injury resulting from exposure to the contents of this forum, and from using any data or material contained herein.

Your participation on this forum in any way constitutes your total and complete agreement to be bound by these Terms of Service, and the Rules and Disclaimers posted in the various categories of this forum.

These Terms of Service, and the Rules and Disclaimers posted on this forum may be amended or modified at any time at the discretion of the owner and staff, without prior notice. tested by Norton Internet Security tested by McAfee Internet Security

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