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Old 09-23-2009, 04:21 PM
Brian894x4 Brian894x4 is offline
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Default Navy Seals use of Model 66s or 686s?

I've read some snippits here and there of the Seals using both Model 66s and Model 686s. Nothing concrete, just a lot of snippits, including things like Seal Team 6 was the only one to use the 66 and the rest used 686s, that they were used because stainless steal was easier to deal with in salt water environments.

I've also read that the Seals might "still" use the 686 in some cases, because it's less likely to jam in silty water, etc, etc.

I'm curious if anyone has a more detailed account of their use by the Seals. And especially any pictures or information on when they were used, how they were carried (where and holsters, etc) and specificly what models were used. Were they only 4" barrel models for example, or did they carry 2.5 or 3" versions too?

Also, if any modifications were done to them...i.e. changes in sights, internals or anything else?

It just really peaked my interest when I read this and I'd like to find out as much as I can about their use by the Seals since I'm a big Model 66 fan. If there's a website or anything that I missed while trying to search I'd appreciate the link too.

I figure these were probably all mid 1960s guns so that's why I posted in this section. Thanks for any insight or info.

Last edited by Brian894x4; 09-23-2009 at 04:26 PM.