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Old 10-26-2009, 04:35 PM
27 Beck 27 Beck is offline
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Originally Posted by LifeInPa View Post
So I already got some bad news, and I didn't even fire the rifle yet. I actually learned at all public ranges in the state of Pennsylvania you can only fire 3 rounds at a time. Meaning I can have no more than 3 rounds in the magazine at once. Now this stupid rule has ruined any enjoyment I can have with this rifle. I never planned on spraying with the rifle but any fun I can have using this rifle will be ruined by constantly having to reload the clip.

So now what options do I have? Where can I fire this rifle without any stupid restrictions? I can't fire this rifle on my land because I live in a private community and they won't allow that. I guess private ranges work for me but how much do they cost and do I have to be a member? This really sucks now I am lost to what I can do.

I can understand that.
You sure you did not misunderstand the state rules? My state ranges only allow a two round burst, but doesn't limit rounds in magazines. (State already does that).

Two round burst is two shots fired as fast as you can pull the trigger. Otherwise it is one shot at a time, but the magazine is full of ammo. You are just not allowed to shoot as fast as you can.

PA has a lot of private gun clubs. You may have to join one to have more freedom in your shooting.

Edit: I just looked up your state range rules. You are correct you can only have three rounds in a rifle. That totally blows.

On the other hand, your state ranges are open a lot longer per day than ours, and also open seven days a week. Our ranges are only Wed thru Sunday. Guess which days have had the best weather recently. Answer, Mon & Tues.

Last edited by 27 Beck; 10-26-2009 at 04:45 PM.
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