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Old 10-30-2009, 05:17 PM
Texas Star Texas Star is offline
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Originally Posted by primersp View Post
french national police and gendarmerie who was till this year a military force are now equiped with sig 9 m/m
the municipal police who was under the mayor of the city order are only authorised to carry 38 special ,sometimes before 32 acp in a law of 5 years ago ,before they have 357 during 4 years many 357 were in the market for sold from municipal police .
the municipal police don't have the same task than your metropolitan police
no crime investigation,more circulation regulation and neighbours problems
hope i can help
have a good night


Merci beaucoup! Do the police there still use some Rugers? There is a photo of a French policewoman on the Net, with an SP-101 in her holster. Is it authentic? That is, do they use Rugers and Manurhins still? I know that Trautsch (a French company) makes grips for the SP-101.

If I understood you correctly, the police in cities now use only .38 Specials, the .357 having been authorized for four years, but not now? So, ex-police .357's are on the market there?

I definitely read that Beretta 92G's were being made at St. Etienne. Are these for Army use?

I'm guessing that GIGN uses whatever it wants?
What about the black-uniformed CRS riot police?

Do gendarmes often still carry the MAT-49 submachine gun?

We don't read much about French guns here. A pity that Americans aren't more interested in other cultures. Most of what I know about France involves wines. I do know French wines quite well.

I have greatly enjoyed the film, "Day of the Jackal" (and the excellent book) , but the guns in it are dated, the movie being set in DeGaulle's time. One soldier executing a terrorist leader had the old M-92 8mm revolver!

My brother visited France some years ago and brought me a French gun magazine. Very interesting.


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