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Old 02-04-2010, 01:37 PM
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OLDFED OLDFED is offline
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Default DAD...

...owned a Colt 1903 which he kept strapped to the steering column of his Buick back in the 1930's when he traveled out in the Wild West. He told two stories that I remember. He and a buddy were camping out in No. CA. Dad woke up and looked over at his pal who was in a sleeping bag. Coiled next to his head was a rattlesnake. Dad said it was a cool morning, so the snake wasn't so lively. Dad slowly got out of his bag, and stalked over to his pal...carefully aimed his Colt and shot the snake. Needless to say, his buddy bolted out of the bag, thinking Dad was trying to kill him. The dead rattler told the real story.
Another time, in Nevada, Dad drove over a hill in the middle of nowhere and saw two cars below blocking the roadway. With highway robbery still a big thing, he drew his Colt, accelerated off the road into the sand, fired two shots into the air and drove around the cars and onto the roadway again. He was convinced they were indeed highwaymen.

In the '60's, Dad gave me the Colt, bought me a Mossberg 185K and later a Remington 11-48. My sister now has the Colt and my nephew the 11-48. I've gotten my son-in-law, brother-in-law and wife into gun ownership and shooting.
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