Thread: Ft. Hood Report
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Old 04-19-2010, 07:49 AM
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Just what the branches need, Washington telling them what policies to adopt locally.

You do know that the military take their orders from the civilian government, don't you?

Funny, "they" identified him as a disgruntled Army Dr. His social interactions with his fellow officers were the cause of his disgruntlement - being unhinged and socially inept, he had a persecution complex that blew up into a violent climax. There is no shortage of credible analysis of this psycho on the net. What he isn't is a religious zealot.

Great, now you just connected him with Al Qaida and every other terrorist organization. You must also believe that Saddam Hussein worked with Al Qaida AND had WMDs, right?

If I offended you, that was not my intent and I hope you won't take it as such. That being said anyone who singularly plans to go on a US Military Post and inflict 13 casulties and 32 wounded, with no regard to his own life meets my definition of a terrorist, much the same as a bomber in a Beirut barracks. I didn't "connect" him with anyone, those are your words. And they won't care about the rules, Pentagon driven or otherwise.

Also, his radical Muslim tendencies were documented since 2005, with published emails being investigated by the FBI antiterrorism task force. Reaching out to Anwar Al-Awlaki (who has since declared Hassan a Hero for "fighting against the US Army is an Islamic duty") is not something most of us do, nor is pronouncing himself a Muslim first, American second. Repeated concerns by his fellow Dr.'s voiced this. That meets my definiton of religious zeal.

I'm well aware of where the US Military takes their orders, I did it for 20 years. But taking orders and being micromanaged on how to perform those orders are very different things. As we have drifted off topic now, I'll reiterate that having military members further restricted, in this case off-base firearms ownership as dictated by Pentagon policy, doesn't sit well with me. I hope it doesn't go there.

Maybe it's perceptions, maybe it's background, maybe's it's any of a number of things, but it sounds like we just disagree on this.


Last edited by Munsterf18; 04-19-2010 at 07:53 AM. Reason: grammar
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