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Old 05-02-2010, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by firearmsunlimited View Post
Well Pal, let's start with your first snipe at my initial post. You made the comment:
"The problem with your analysis is that it has nothing to do with S&W. S&W does not use sleeved barrels, they use tensioned barrels.
Precision rifle makers like Volquartsen and others have proven the performance advantages of tensioned barrels time and again over the last several decades." Unquestionably this indicates that you do not understand or have any conception of what transpires in a barrel during ignition and throughout the complete process during the bullet's travel until it exits ie: stimuli. The theoretical effects are the same be it a hand gun barrel or rifle barrel. So, my analysis did have something to do with S&W barrels and in fact all barrels. In your second sentence you choose to throw out the manufacture name Volquartsen. Was that because of your unfamiliarity with any of the manufacturers that actually chamber barrels for something other than .22 rim fire? Clearly it was the only manufacture that you could mention to attempt to support your opinion on tensioning attachments and accuracy because as I previously stated many of the precision barrel makers have experimented with sleeved and/or tensioned barrels and found the concept to produce unacceptable accuracy results and accomplished nothing other than weight reduction. You also said "Volquartsen and others have proven the performance advantages of tensioned barrels time and again over the last several decades." Just exactly who are those "others?"

Concerning your comment that: "do you always resort to insults as your first tactic when you are on the wrong end of a intellectual conversation?" Let me remind you that you were the first to insult my post. It was not the other way around. If you don't like the response after posting your feeble little comments may be you should limit your commentary on the posts made by others. As it relates to being on the "wrong end of a intellectual conversation," I would submit that I have not seen anything intellectual posted by you in this thread.

In conclusion, it boggles the mind that you can not comprehend the fact that if a barrel is comprised of (1) a tube and (2) a sleeve, it is a sleeved barrel. It does not matter if the connections and attachments are made by epoxy, friction fit or bubble gum as it is still and always will be considered a sleeved barrel. Tensioning is the attachment method to secure part (1) and part (2) together. You may want to read the description of manufacturing and barrel assembly posted in the Volquartsen web site. Remember, the manufacturer that you used in an effort to support your initial pragmatic statements.

Hey, there is no anger here Pal. I truly hope that you enjoy your sleeved/tensioned barrel gun. And by the way, have a wonderful day!
When did I become your Pal? Your posts certainly make me chuckle.

Let's clear the air. I apologize if you took my 2nd post to this thread as a personal insult or attack toward you. It was not meant to come off that way and reading it I still do not see anywhere that it was an insult. Let me rephrase that first post. You are WRONG. There, now it clearly is a statement and not an insult.

You want some others that have used tensioned barrels with great success over the decades, OK. There is Dan Wesson, Clark and Cylinder & Slide just to give you three more. How many manufacturers successfully use tensioned barrels is not the point. The point is that you still do not want to learn or accept the difference between a sleeved barrel and a tensioned barrel.

But then you appear to not understand the difference between an insult and a statement/comment either. My statement "The problem with your analysis is that it has nothing to do with S&W" addresses your post, not you the person. There is nothing sarcastic or contemptuous toward you in that comment.

On the other hand this is an insult "Sounds as if one great big bill of goods has been sold to some misinformed believers" as you are attacking the person(s) by calling them "misinformed believers" instead of presenting helpful information on the subject at hand.

Here is another insult "Clearly you shouldn't dis another poster's opinion when you obviously have no conception or understanding of how certain internal and external stimuli impact the yield of something" as you are attacking a persons knowledge and education instead of discussing facts. BTW, what kind of person uses the term "dis" instead of real words?

Here is another example of an insult "Unquestionably this indicates that you do not understand or have any conception of what transpires in a barrel during ignition and throughout the complete process during the bullet's travel until it exitsm." Can you see the difference between comments and insults yet? BTW, where have you come to learn about my education or expertise in the sciences of internal ballistics or Physics? However, that is not even a relevant point, because we have never been talking about sleeved vs. non-sleeved rifle barrels. We have been talking about multi-piece barrel assemblies in S&W handguns.

The tactic that you are using of not answering the question asked and making a comment along a different line is referred to as "Bump and Run." This is a long time favorite of politicians in the Democrat party just watch any National Sunday morning news show and you will easily recognize it's use over and over. The obvious goal is to change the subject.

Now you state "In conclusion, it boggles the mind that you can not comprehend the fact that if a barrel is comprised of (1) a tube and (2) a sleeve, it is a sleeved barrel." By your logic, would this not be properly called a tubed barrel? After all the tube, not the sleeve is listed as the #1 part.

Now please go and re-read your posts. Perhaps you will recognize that your writing style comes off as full of sarcasm at the least and anger, vitriol or contempt at the worst. Instead your posts should be providing helpful information on the topic. Perhaps this is a misconception on my part and you just do not know how to verbalize your thoughts in a friendly manor? I do not know much about your writing skills beyond the examples posted here.
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