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Old 05-28-2010, 04:31 PM
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celticfisherman celticfisherman is offline
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Originally Posted by jtpur View Post
When I was a cop, we wore uniforms and when we did search warrants we had to have the unirform guys go in first. Today for some reason cops think they have to wear military combat gear to write a parking ticket....The black urban storm trooper uniform, complete with German style ballistic helmets, combat boots, etc.....we are no longer searching homes, we are invading them.......then when one of us gets shot we are up in arms about criminals....yet when we goof and hit the wrong house, terrorize its occupants we rarely say we are damn lucky to not get a shot gun blast to face. I have radied tons of places...I have even kicked in a door or two....but I always did it in a uniform Ray Charles would recognize as a police uniform... I did not look like a crazed storm trooper or Darth Vaders brother in law. Sorry to you active guys, I cant side with your choice of urban combat wear. and while Im at it, if your going to wear ridiculous shorts and sneakers, please dont expose your underwear which is longer than your shorts. I yearn for the day when we argued with our bosses to just let us wear Rebok shoes instead of Patten leather.....but we wore uniform pants and real police shirts with real badges, not tee shirts and cargo pants.....we actually looked like cops, not refugees from a second hand store in combat zone. So to answer the question when cops wear real uniforms we wont have to hide our guns when the crazed druggies pull off a home invasion robbery, unless they start wearing fake uniforms.

All of this is why I quit subscribing to SWAT and watching so many of the TV shows. It just encourages this type of behavior.
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