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Old 06-21-2010, 01:39 AM
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Lew Archer Lew Archer is offline
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A few years ago I was in the fine gun store, Martin Retting, in Culver City, CA. In walked Mr. Heston, a regular customer there. He was dressed very modestly. His demeanor was very down to earth. Totally without pretense.

I approached him and thanked him for taking a stand against the rap song "Cop Killer" in the early '90s (he was then a Time-Warner share holder). He told me about reading the lyrics to the song at a Time-Warner shareholder's meeting, shocking the them, as you can imagine. Mr. Heston said he took more pride in taking that stand on behalf of LE then in winning the Oscar.

He also talked about the 2000 presidential campaign with relish, particularly the NRA's contribution to the defeat of Al Gore.

A very nice, decent gentleman, a fine actor and a classic movie star.

By the way...he bought a rifle that day for his grandson.

My personal favorite Charlton Heston movies: The Omega Man and Planet of the Apes.
Trust, but verify - R. Reagan
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