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Old 07-11-2010, 05:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Skeeziks View Post
Not where I live!

Down here in central FL I've noticed just the opposite. Service has gotten worse - and not just in the food industry.

Plus 1 around here-- at least at the pizza joint my bride and I went to last Monday.

Sat down, waited 5 minutes for the waitress and were asked if we need more time with the menus -- I said we didn't have them--got the look.

Ordered three different menu items with a little bit a changes to each. (asked if they could minus the ricotta cheese) got the lecture that the reason the strombolli was called a strombolli was becuase it was to calzone without the ricotta) I know better but didn't say anything. My wife ordered a white pizza -garlic butter instead of red sauce without ricotta, add peperoni. Asked to have it read back to us--got the look.

50 minutes latter here comes the pizza without the peperoni and with the ricotta.
hear comes my stromboli with green peppers when I asked them to be omitted. ---got the huff when we sent them back.

20 minutes later we got the right order finally-- I asked for some silverware- got the huff and the look.

5 minutes later she brought over nasty silverware that have food still stuck to them from the washer not doing it's job - (I hope it wasn't from someone's mouth)

About then my "I had enough" meter went off it's dashboard.

Went to the counter and asked for the manager or the person in charge of the place. (sternly but not mean)

After I told him about not being happy with the meal, service, attitude, ect., the guy said what was the problem, I am short handed today, the dishwasher isn't working right, what did you order--- I stopped him and said " stop talking and think for a minute. Look around you. There are three tables in the damm joint that have people at them (out of 25-30) we don't need a lecture about the differences between calzones and Strombolis since I make them at home and have eaten them longer than they have been on this earth, I expect service with a smile--not a snarl, clean silverware, and above all professionalism. The twenty something said I needed to stop cussing, he would just comp to meal, go sit down, I don't have time for this now attitude.

I again stopped him and raised my voice this time and told him-- once again there seems to be a lack of understanding. Cussing? Not hardly- not yet!!!!

My wife was starting for the door when I let this guy and girl have a piece of my mind and my beliefs. After the lecture (5-6 minutes) all without "cussing"; the other customers clapped at me, the "manager" said he was sorry, the waitress was hiding, the cook was wide eyed and mouth open, the manager said that the job was a temp one and he couldn't wait to get out of there. I told him that until he did-- he needed to do the job as best he could. I told him if he was so far behind and can't give good service to the people inside the restaurant- to STOP ANSWERING THE PHONE FOR TWENTY MINUTES and you will be caught up- You would have thought I told him where to find the pot at the end of the rainbow. Well after all of that- we got to-go boxes and went to leave. I decided that the cook did work his butt off so I slapped a 20 in his hand and thanked him for his hard (correct) work and left. We will not go back to that place-- it's a shame, the food is good but the service- well you know.

p.s. The previous 7-8 times we went in there, the orders on 3 of those times were messed up--not as bad as last Monday though. That is just one story of many of late of how the service in my neck of the woods is not up to my standards.
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