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Old 07-29-2010, 10:05 AM
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safearm safearm is offline
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Where I was working, the move to baseball hats started when the TV show "Hill Street Blues" aired. We were required to wear a uniform hat anytime we were out of the car, unless it was an emergency response, then we had to put it on as soon as the response was stabilized. The young patrolmen, me included, wanted to get away from the straw hats in the summer/felt hats in the winter and asked to wear embroidered baseball hats. The response from the patrol lieutenant, who was one tough old guy, was words to the effect of,"You're not going to look like the cast of Hill Street Blues while you're working here!"
The last department I was with didn't even have an issue dress hat. We did have Class A uniforms that were very similar to the uniforms I wore earlier in my career, and a Class B uniform, that had embroidered badge, name tag, and department patches, worn with matching BDU pants. The Class B uniforms were, IMO, the right mix of utility, comfort, and appearance for patrol. If you wanted, you could wear a baseball cap with the embroidered star or "Deputy Sheriff" on the front, but that's all, no commercial caps.
I had always worn leather duty gear, in particular Safariland Black Basketweave, but I have to admit the nylon gear is lighter, albeit not as durable. I've always liked a mid-rise holster, and will never wear a "tactical" thigh holster (I wore them while I was on active duty in Iraq, and quickly found a suitable shoulder holster instead).
I'm part of the group the believes in "Police Presence" on the use of force continum; if you look more like the person you're trying to impress with your presence than what I think a cop should look like, then I don't think your going to have much success. Laugh all you want, but a cop should look like Barney Fife, and act like Andy Taylor.
P.S. When did everyone start wearing badges clipped to the belt and open carry in civilian clothes? When I started, if you wore civilian clothes, you concealed your gun under a jacket or something similar, and carried your badge and ID in a wallet to be displayed as required.

Last edited by safearm; 07-29-2010 at 10:09 AM.
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