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Old 07-31-2010, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Red Tex View Post
From my experience, just about any good quality JHP round would be A-OK. I've used Golden Sabers, Gold Dots, Winchester Ranger, Federal HST, and Hornady Critical Defense. It's all good.

Determining which of the above would be "best" is just picking nits.
How true.

Too many people put too much effort into ammo selection. Ammo selection should be given equal consideration as well as gun, holster, carry method, training, and practice considerations. It should not be placed above those considerations.

For personal defense to be effective it must be a total and complete package.

As far as "experts", there aren't any. Those that study ballistics and compile statics, in the end can only form their own opinion. The problem with so called experts is that they can all study the same facts and they still have differing findings and opinions. One man's opinion ain't good enough for me.

There are no majic bullets. If there were the "experts" would have already designed it. Nobody can guess or predict how any bullet design will work each and every time it's used. There are far too many variables.

We must all choose our own savation. Pick a load that works in your gun, is accurate, and easy to find if you need more.

If the first one or two bullets don't have the desired affect, shoot the son a gun again!

Just my 2 cents.
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