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Old 10-30-2010, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by djm View Post
I don't exactly suspect anything in particular. Its just his general demeanor and some actions lately that don't quite add up, and I'm a little unsettled by it. I was just thinking that maybe a bit of digging could shed some light on it if I understood more of his background. And by "background" I mean criminal history, employment history, etc.

I'm not looking for a reason to terminate this guy, as I don't need one. I am looking to put my mind at ease, and to be able to trust him, and to figure out who exactly I'm dealing with. He's been with us for about 6 years or so, and nobody really knows much about him and he doesn't offer much, but he's just one of those guys that makes you wonder.
the person has worked for you for six years...........but you need to put your mind at ease..........because he doesn't offer much??

if he does well on the job....keep him..if not let him go. otherwise mind your own business......who the hell do you think you are.....holier than thou......get a life dude.
"we the people" have plenty of big brothers looking over our shoulders.