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Old 12-07-2010, 07:55 PM
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BigCelo BigCelo is offline
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Default Seal Teams And S&W 66,686's

Well this subject is very interesting because I was just watching a documentary on the Discovery channel about the Navy Seals, their training and what it takes to become a member of the Navy's elite U.D.T./Speacial Warfare Units. In this film the instructor stated that the Seals use different weapons and techniques for each mission. That meaning that the Seals have to adapt to all sorts of places and environments. For example if they are assaulting a place in a country that the most available ammo is 9mm and 7.62x39 why bring in .45 a.c.p. and .223, it makes sense. I can imagine that they have just about every kind of weapon available to them to get the mission done, that would also go for Army Force Delta and Green Barret "Masters Of Counter Insurgency" as they go by in the armed forces. You also have to remember one of the Seals main objectives is to lay down the most accurate, dramatic, over whelming amount of fire at one time upon extract not as a show of force but to also destroy their opponents at the psychological level. Some time back I was reading a story about the CIA's book of dirty tricks and unconventional warfare. It stated that back during the Vietnam War they would use the local superstitions about vampires. So when they would ambush a V.C. recon unit they would poke holes on the dead bodies necks and hang them upside down from trees to instill fear on the other V.C. regular units and pro-communist local villagers. With all this said, unconventional war calls for unconventional means.

Last edited by BigCelo; 12-07-2010 at 08:22 PM.
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