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Old 02-07-2011, 10:34 AM
MDLNB MDLNB is offline
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I am an older fella so I have been around and seen quite a few things all over the world. That said, I remember back in the late 70' and 80's while in LE it was drilled into us that you hold the flash light away from your body so that the BG doesn't shoot you while targeting the light. Let's face it, if someone is waving around a flashlight in the dark, the only target you have is the light. Now, every TV show or movie shows flashlights attached to the pistol or carbine. Perhaps it is so that you have a free hand? Personally, I see pretty good in the dark, even at my age. Light ruins the night vision and gives one a sense of tunnel vision.

Just my thoughts on flashlights being attached to the pistol. I guess it does help one by not having to search for a flashlight. And, I guess you really don't have to use it.

Am I just old fashioned and out of date, or is there a good theory attached to having a lit target on you by attaching it to your pistol? If I was going to be shooting at someone in the dark and they presented me with a beam of light, I would be shooting toward the light, hoping to hit center of mass BEHIND the light.

Like I said, these are just ramblings of from a senior. I am not attempting to start an argument. I was just commenting after seeing some of these really nice photos of pistol mods and accessories.
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