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Old 02-14-2011, 07:57 PM
SWAT Lt. SWAT Lt. is offline
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Originally Posted by silvercn View Post
couple of points an opinions...

1. ChuckE.Cheese pizza REALLY sucks!
3. I love my dughter with all my being... (so we go!)
4. I wish I could CC every where... but I can't.
5. Know where you are, who is there, and what the threats are.
6. If its not safe leave...

if the "ATTACK" happens your screwed anyway.... lets be honest...
Are you gonna get in to a gun battle with your 8+1 45 compact?
Are you going to abandon your beautiful little 3yo princess to shoot it out with this BG?
Of course not......... ppl lets get real...

Dont get me wrong...
I carry 100% of the time I am allow by law.
And of course a 100% while on duty...

this life is not a warzone....
just be aware and 90% of the problems will be avoided.

I can hear the responces already, .............. *sigh*..................
breath, its going to be ok!
I am PRO gun and PRO self defense.
Protect your own, protect others...
honor, trust, courage & honesty!
#5 How can you know who is there, who is about to walk in, their background and what their intent may be?
#6 I don't think anyone can say with certainty that any public place is "safe." By the time it becomes apparent it is unsafe, leaving may not be an option.

And, being "real", I'm going to fight with whatever I have, or can pick up, to stop the person from murdering my child, as their is no other viable option. Hopefully, I can engage him quickly and by surprise as he's likely not expecting resistance. You may be the only one trained and able to stop the massacre of inncocent people, including your daughter. Your only other option is to die there together. Not much of an option.

Life is not a warzone, but bad things happen to good folks all to frequently. I agree, however, with your statement about being aware (i.e. situational awareness) and how it can help you avoid most problems. The other 10% may kill you if you aren't properly trained, equipped, and most importantly mentally prepared to deal with them appropriately.

If one doesn't have the training, including the the proper mindset, they are better off not carrying a weapon as they will be nothing other than a liability.

LE officers should carry when off duty, convenient or not. Extreme violence may occur anytime/anyplace and does not care if we have had a hard day, our back hurts, or we don't really don't feel like dealing with it because we're "off duty."
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