Thread: Disc Golf
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Old 02-21-2011, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by JcMack View Post
I would guess 8-10 years. The kid that I worked with that dragged me around the "course" had been involved with it for about 3 years. My trip around the course was about 3 years ago, so we're talking at least 6 years in the making at that point. This kid showed me magazines dedicated to "disk golf". They are serious about it and have star players and sell pro stuff. I kid you not. I used to tease the guy unmercifully about his little frisbee's (all in fun, he knew it) The courses can fit in with a typical park and be almost invisible if the one I was on is typical. The one I was on was on the pirifery of a large park surrounding 2 soccer fields. A "fairway" is about 120 ft.. Putting involved getting the disk in a short wire trashcan looking thing suspended by chains a foot off the ground. It ain't easy. Since it's in public parks, no drinking. Fun stuff, what the heck.
I know, I put the ??? in the wrong spot. I corrected my original post I am from the Frisbee, generation
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