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Old 03-04-2011, 07:57 AM
Oyeboteb Oyeboteb is offline
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Hi M2MikeGolf,

Well done!

I am confident you will be very happy with it soon and from then on.

They are very fine Revolvers, and, especially interesting and practical for their particular type of Chambering and the use of the Moon Clips.

Finding one, and being able to afford one, which is in quite good and original condition, is certainly a very special event by my reconning.

The first Gun I ever shot, was my Dad's Model 1917 S & W, when I was eight.

I shot one handed, using WWII Surplus Ammo we would buy, in the 'brown' Box, for I think, $1.00 a Box.

This was like 1961, in Texas.

In retrospect, I am surprised I was able to manage it so well, and, for the report or recoil having not bothered me one bit.

Of course no one wore Ear Protection in those days.

I was a pale, dreamy, slender, small for my age, Book Worm of a Boy, and, I am glad my Dad took me out one day, ran me through the drill for Safety and inspection and protocols, and, let me fire a few dozen rounds.

I was a good student.

The M1917 of course will always remain for me, a very special Revolver.

I suppose you really ought to sell the new one, and, get a WWI production Colt Model of 1911 .45 Automatic, in order to be complete!

If they only allow you two Hand Guns, those two would be aweful hard to beat as a pair.

You would have to join the Colt Forum then, as well.

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