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Old 04-28-2011, 04:30 PM
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PALADIN85020 PALADIN85020 is offline
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Here's a few:

Model 60 with the old "Lightning" grips by Bianchi. Kinda heavy, but makes the 36s and 60s snag-free. I use this one in a shoulder holster when appropriate.

This 642 has a set of Hip-Grips, made by Barami. They enable very useful pocket carry.

This 649 also has Barami Hip-Grips, seen from the other side.

Here's a 640 with a set of Herrett's "Shooting Star" grips which were custom made to my hand pattern way back in the '60s. Easily the most comfortable and effective grips for a J-frame I've ever used - at the expense of a bit more bulk.

I find the Barami Hip-Grips to be the most useful and versatile grips for concealed carry. Here's another set on a 442:

This Model 317 has a set of Dymondwood boot grips that used to be offered as an option by S&W. They are no longer made, but they are very light and compact. I like this setup for ankle carry. You might be able to scare up a pair on eBay or at gun shows.

Hope these pics will give you some useful options.

- Cogito, ergo armatus sum -
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