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Old 05-18-2011, 10:42 AM
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leejack leejack is offline
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Thank you for your comment sir!

When I bought the gun, it was my daughters pick (even though a couple of our members had talked me into it). She tried out several and said that nothing fit her hand as well as the sigma. I too feel that it's one of the most comfortable natural pointers out there. Of all the poly no safety guns, I believe it to be the safest as well.

Once we got it and put a few rounds through it, we really liked it. My daughter shoots it very well and loves it.

I have another 9mm that I shoot excellent targets with, but I always like shooting the sigma, when I can get it away from my girl.

There are a couple of young men at the range (Glock boys) that always want her to shoot with them. I have watched them, and she holds her own with the sigma. I have been asked a few times if I'd done anything to the gun because they are amazed at how well she shoots it (Daddy's girl )

I know it's an inexpensive level gun, but the darn thing just keeps working, and our trigger is smooth, not gritty.

All said, I couldn't be happier with a $319 purchase, it puts a smile on my face every time and has given me the confidence in it, to rest in the nightstand.

Happy shooting to all!

SD9VE, American perfection!
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