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Old 06-08-2011, 10:00 PM
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calmex calmex is offline
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Originally Posted by DBWesson View Post
I am glad you are well. I was wondering what happened to that nice Reg. Mag.
I am a member of a gun club and I often think that if we had a "gang night" with drive by shooting and target instruction we could save some lives. Here in Calif. the drive by shootings kill more civilians than the gang members they are shooting at.
At your club your police officers could supply instructors and with the cooperation of the local gangs they could take turns as targets.
You could accomplish two thing at once, knock off some gang members and teach the others how to shoot straight.
What do you think of that idea?
In the U.S., it is probably a lot more rare that the Police Officer would also be a gang member than it is here. Some cities are starting polygraph and drug testing of the potential candidates for the job of Police Officer...and in other cities, the Police ARE the major dominant gang in town. It is a complex problem not easily resolved by tinkering with any one item in the Social Set-up. In the U.S. and Canada, the system BASICALLY works, and the bad-guys and girls try to take advantage of it and the good-guys and girls try to catch them. You can foggy it up with a lot of ifs-ands-or-buts however that is mainly how it works.

Here, the "system" has basically never worked since almost forever. I heard a neat thing stated the other day; "you can't expect the average Police or Military low-paid recruit to lay down his (or her) life and even stay basically honest when they KNOW that everyone above them is rotten to the core." So that's how it is, and so a lot of things need to change. There is no one button-push that can do it.

Thus, in your scenario, HERE in Mexico the Police and the gang members would often be one-in-the-same, so the instant you proposed the idea, the "other side" would automatically know what the plan was. It really makes it hard to get anything done -- which I think was the idea behind setting up the system the way it is in the first place. It makes change difficult, and thus those "living off the system" can almost do so with impunity. As I have said before: it's changing slowly, but don't expect an over-night cure, nice as that would be.
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