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Old 08-04-2011, 01:36 PM
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PALADIN85020 PALADIN85020 is offline
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According to the news today, our national debt just passed our gross domestic product. In other words, we now owe every cent we make.

This has not happened since 1947, in the aftermath of the horrendous spending it took to fight and win World War II.

In other news, Barack Obama celebrated his 50th birthday in Chicago with a lavish fundraiser costing participants over $35,000 each so he could be re-elected next year. Gotta respect a public servant who would go to such lengths to help his country survive this economic crisis.

By comparison, I celebrated my 50th birthday by having a nice dinner at home. As I recall, we had hamburgers. But then I'm just a taxpayer, and I have to keep funding out-of-control government spending, illegal aliens and those not willing to work for a living.

Any connection between these three events is, I'm sure, purely coincidental...


P.S. I just realized I'm beginning to sound more like Andy Rooney every day.
- Cogito, ergo armatus sum -