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Old 08-27-2011, 09:41 AM
John Frederick Bell John Frederick Bell is offline
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Anglaispierre, Texas Star - much appreciated. I've read through this one more times than I can count, but I've also learned in my odd decade of toying with fiction that you cannot possibly have too many sets of eyes on a story or criticism from too many angles.

I regret that it isn't to your taste so much, but variety keeps the world interesting. This is also a reason I'm generally loathe to try and explain the entirety of the thing. I fear some of my descriptions give the wrong impression. Personally, I'm of the mind that it's more western than anything else, but time will tell I suppose.

GatorFarmer -

In a sense, it is. Dunning starts out somewhat uncertain, though I can say with few reservations that he polishes out into a decent officer.

As for the rest, I can assure you that there are a number of women involved (one who may come back as a primary character if I get the first book done and have steam left for a second) and another who is a source of considerable conflict in her own right.

I'll make a note to check out the titles listed.

Can't say as I'm too familiar with a Babbage machine, though. What's it do?
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