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Old 09-04-2011, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Beemerguy53 View Post
Well folks, things have been going very well with Lucy and me. We have been spending a lot of time together, and our friendship immediately picked up right where it left off almost two decades ago. Some things haven't changed at all: she is still very easy to talk to, we still have a lot of common interests, and we still get along quite well. What has changed, of course, is that neither of us is married now, and our children are grown, and without those considerations, we've been free to talk honestly about how we really feel about each other, and we've been free to take our relationship in a direction it couldn't go years ago.

We held onto each other during the earthquake twelve days ago, and rode out Hurricane Irene together last weekend. We did some shopping together Saturday, we're going to dinner Sunday with some friends of hers, and we're planning some nice weekend getaways this coming fall.

I am enjoying this new relationship with my old friend more than I would have thought possible, and I am still in awe over how all this came to be!

it sounds like this is a relationship that was meant to be. I hope it works out
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