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Old 09-15-2011, 10:05 PM
M29since14 M29since14 is online now
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Originally Posted by OKFC05 View Post
...She just wanted her friends to think it was his fault.
Almost invariably the case. And maybe the judge too, in any subsequent divorce case - so she can ask for more than "her 50%."

Good, mature women (and men) do not dictate to their spouses. When they see something they are uncomfortable with, they try to discuss, to reason, to persuade. Sometimes both have to compromise. Sometimes a little "education" alleviates the problem so that one view or the other can prevail and both are comfortable. But they do not threaten, and they do not indicate they are willing to throw away a relationship (that they value) over something like the otherwise responsible ownership of a gun, a motorcycle, etc. - especially if they were well aware of that before they were married. (Not the case in your example, but I have seen this elsewhere.)

A friend, over the course of his rather long marriage, has put up with five marital blow-ups (legally-forced separations) resulting from temper tantrums driven by things like this. He and his wife are still married. I admire his devotion to her, but I think she has treated him very poorly, and I do not understand how he can trust her. But he does. Not all human beings are cut out to handle a relationship involving constant irrational demands and extreme reactions. The situation can very easily become dangerous beyond the previous experiences of both parties. As I young fellow I did not "believe in" divorce, and I am still very concerned about it, but I was also not aware of how quickly and easily a marginal relationship can deteriorate into a dangerous situation, until I started carefully observing some of these problems in others I actually knew. Divorce is a horrible mess for any children involved, but it beats murder-suicides. Sometimes, much as we may deplore the vehicle, academically, it is a life-saver.

Ultimatums are a "kiss of death" - the mark of an emotionally unstable, immature individual, IMO. I would be very concerned about an ultimatum-giver.

Last edited by M29since14; 09-15-2011 at 10:18 PM.
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