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Old 10-12-2011, 11:42 PM
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thomasinaz thomasinaz is offline
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Originally Posted by MaximumLawman View Post
While it may be true that the AVERAGE law enforcement shooting doesn't require that the officer have more than a 5 or 6 shot revolver, I prefer to be prepared for a WORSE than average situation like a Hollywood bank shoot out or an FBI/Miami-type situation when it's no more inconvenient to do so than carrying a hi cap auto with two mags and a carbine and a shotgun in the trunk.

Why prepare for the average when you can be a lot more prepared with little or no extra effort? Hi cap guns absolutely have a place in law enforcement, especially when the bad guys have had that capability for a long time. You want to be prepared to take on the average bad guy or the one who trains more than you do?
I'd never say high cap guns don't have a plcae in law enforcement, and I'd agree revolvers shouldn't be carried by every cop out there. If an Officer really needs a 15 or more round pistol then have at it. Those extra rounds won't make up for a lack of training though.

Don't confuse carrying a revolver as a sign of a lack of training or proficiency. Not all revolver carrying cops are non-proficient shooters, just as not all high cap auto shooters are highly trained or proficient. For some of us the revolver works very well. I want to be prepared to stop the guy who is pointing the gun at me right now, with the first shot, from the gun I shoot best.....
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