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Old 10-18-2011, 09:04 AM
old curmudgeon old curmudgeon is offline
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Originally Posted by ogilvyspecial View Post
The continuum quoted above is exactly the reason why I’ll stick with the index finger as my trigger finger.

Here’s a hypothetical: Let’s say I have an immediate threat I have to deal with at very close range so I go for my gun drawing it with my middle finger as my trigger finger. While I’m clearing leather the bad guy (BG) moves off to cover further away. Now I’m currently in a situation where it’s not safe to leave the area and my threat, who is not taking steps to engage me, is at a distance where my sights would be my best option. Do I now switch to my index finger?

Let’s say I now switch over to my index finger because I feel the greater control (for me) would be to my advantage and I’m holding my fire because the BG isn’t posing an immediate threat at that moment. Now I realize why the threat has been biding his time. I hear a noise and realize I’m being “bum-rushed” by my BG’s partner, a partner I didn’t know he had. This other BG is coming at me fast and my shot will have to be taken at close range. Do I now switch back to my middle finger to engage??

One other thing I would like to comment on.
I went through a phase in my life back in the 70’s, thanks to a friend, where I shot the old Flintlock pistols & rifles on a regular basis. If I would have known about using the middle finger as my trigger finger back then I would have surely tried it due to the fact that I could never get a natural feeling grip on those old, curved type stocks. If I held it naturally (for me) using my index finger as my trigger finger the barrel was always pointed at an awkward angle so I had to cant my wrist in order to compensate. By using my middle finger I would have moved my wrist & arm upwards a little, which would have put it more in line with the barrel.

For dueling using a handgun with those old, curved stocks, knowing that I was in a “one shot” game with set rules that both sides had to abide by, I could easily see myself using the middle finger method.

Because I never know where I may find myself on, “that continuum,” I’m sticking with the finger that gives me the most options with the least amount of thought & motion. However, if I’m ever challenged to a duel with the old style dueling pistols as the weapon of choice I’ll most definitely consider the middle finger method. In that environment & with that weapon it would probably be my best bet………
Why can't you look at the sights with the three finger grip?
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