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Old 10-27-2011, 04:21 PM
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Maximumbob54 Maximumbob54 is offline
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Ultimate Reloader Roller Arm:

If you have even thought about getting this thing, GET IT!!!

If you don't know what it is then go to:

Ultimate Reloader Roller Handle for Hornady Lock-N-Load AP « Ultimate Reloader

And then order it!!!

I'm not joking. I bought this thing just thinking that it would be nice to not have to slip the plastic ball handle up and down over and over in my hand as I'm reloading. If anyone at Hornady ever reads this, "Give this man some money and buy this from him!!!" This should just be a part of the press. I don't remember how the Dillon arm was attached on the RL 550 I tried out but if he can make one for that then all the blue press fans would soak these up as well. I can't stress how awesome this thing is. You don't bend over as far, you get to just lean your upper body weight into the arm to seat the primer instead of shoving against the arm, and it's so ergonomic that you almost want to go too fast. The only two issues I could crab about are so minor they aren't worth really calling complaints. One, I have no idea why he doesn't just charge you the dollar more and match the paint. That's an easy fix though. And two, maybe I just have big ham hands, but I think the tip of perfection for this would be to replace the spiffy chrome roller handle with a roller shovel handle like what the Magma Star lube sizer press has as an upgrade. But in complete seriousness, this thing is very worth the money and the wait for it to come in your mailbox. If he ever makes them for the Lee Classic Turret again then I may get another one for that press.
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