Thread: Gun Shows
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Old 12-22-2011, 01:20 PM
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PALADIN85020 PALADIN85020 is offline
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Just a few comments on gun shows -

First, don't expect to find great prices, although that sometimes happens. I go expecting that I will see a much larger variety of firearms than can be found by visiting gun shops. The internet probably has as much variety, but you can't actually handle what you are looking to purchase.

Second, as has been mentioned, cash talks. Bring enough to cover what you would expect to buy at a fair price. "What is your rock-bottom-cash-on-the-barrelhead-out-the-door price?" will usually shave off plenty of bucks, particularly at the end of a show when folks are packing up. By the same token, getting to a show early on the first day pays dividends in that most of the stuff has not been picked over or competitively priced.

At most tables, the owner usually has a fair idea of what his stuff is worth. Over the years, I've seen some notable exceptions; mostly people who are just selling a deceased relative's gun and who haven't taken the trouble to do due diligent research.

I hardly ever do trades. I'm particularly leery of doing that with a dealer, who will never give you what your gun is worth; he has to make a profit and will typically only allow 1/2 to 2/3 of what the gun could bring on the market. I will sometimes sell or trade to individuals with a gun in my collection that's a duplicate of a better example.

To me, gun shows are a form of entertainment and enlightenment. Being able to find something you like amongst a great variety is the icing on the cake.

A lot of people spend a great deal of money on golf and attending sporting events. I don't knock that, but to me it seems that all one would have after such indulgence would be a lightened wallet and nothing to show for it. I much prefer gun shows - if you buy something and do it intelligently, it can be like money in the bank in the future. I think gold and guns represent the best investments in these uncertain times.

- Cogito, ergo armatus sum -
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