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Old 02-02-2012, 02:16 AM
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The Lee FCD is the fourth die in the set. It will give the appropriate crimp for the standard guns of a calliber. In other words roll for 'normally' revover rounds and taper for 'normally' auto rounds.
And that's cannalure(sp) btw. If you want a good example of the proper roll crimp, look at one of your factory rounds.

My point about the brass was that the recipies in either manual also specify brass. If you're using different brass, that can affect the pressure.

In any case it's good to check the data from a number of sources. A couple of good manuals, the vendors data. But you're gonna find variences the more you reload. Start sensible and work up as others have said.

Folks have been using H110 for a while. It just might be better for you to start with a more forgiving powder. 2400 works just fine an is easier to work with.
Not to be discouraging, but it might just be better to leave the H110 on the shelf for a bit.

Forgot to say welcome to the forum.

Last edited by PDL; 02-02-2012 at 02:26 AM.
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