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Old 04-06-2012, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by blujax01 View Post
I had not thought about this aspect and you're right.

It doesn't hinder, actually a comfortable grip. Guess I'll leave it be.

Having used CT Grips in a dynamic situtation many times dealing with Raccoons & 'Possums it's hard to explain the advantage they provide.

Once you start running around in the dark, moving around vehicles, buildings etc., which is what your target is also probably doing, things change up dramatically when compared to shooting at a stationary target.

I find that a good shot usually only presents itself for 1 or 2 seconds in that envitroment, if you're lucky, and by the time you identify your target and get the sights lined up it's usually too late to make the shot. I also learned something that the LEO's are well aware of. When using a flashlight, especially on the move, the shadows the beam generates makes things a little more interesting.

You may be moving, the target may be moving and if using a flashlight the shadows the beam creates will also be moving, to a certain extent. Now add obstacles and the fact that your heart rate is up and you will get some idea of the enviroment you may find yourself in.

Having a laser to help guide your shot is a definite plus in my book. With that said, if your target is just going to stand there and let you shoot at it then a laser may not be that much of an asset.
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