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Old 04-11-2012, 12:02 PM
TAKJR TAKJR is offline
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I am not against anything that you are saying but if one doesn't know the facts, how can you state facts?

I too, know nothing about this issue except Zimmerman is in trouble, period (that's obvious to everyone). All of the information I have came from the media too.

Having a gun on your person means you don't get into situations that the police are better able to handle. Call 911.....follow in your car.....that's it. You did your job as a "responsible" neighborhood "watch" person. After that, whatever you do, you are responsible for.

You are not "Miracle Man" (remember that Miami Vice episode?)

Now that you made contact with a "suspicious" person you were following and a struggle occurs between the pair and the other party is bigger, stronger and pounding your head into the ground to the point of severe trauma and possibly imminent death, then you did what you had to do at that moment, right, I get stood your ground....but.....could you have "avoided" the entire incident in the first place?


That is my point.

Now look at where you are at?

There is a fine line here that Zimmerman crossed, that he didn't have to cross.

Terry stops are for the "police" to make, not armed civilians.

You are not a police officer. You are an extra set of "eyes."

Now the entire world (thanks to the media) has its "eyes" on you!

I would not wish that on anyone.

I do feel sorry for Mr. Zimmerman, but when the facts come out (however long it takes) pro/con Zimmerman, his life is changed forever.

He should have just "watched."

To is as simple as that.


Last edited by TAKJR; 04-11-2012 at 12:41 PM.
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