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Old 04-21-2012, 07:44 AM
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Originally Posted by maddtrapper View Post
There should be more reliance on tactics and awareness, caliber is not the only answer. If caliber was all that mattered you need to get rid of the 9 and get a 40/45. Or sell some guns and move to a safer neighborhood.
You are on the right track Maddtrapper. I get a kick out of reading theses posts. Lets just say i work for a company that trains LEOs (local to federal) and some military. Our mission is to increase the efficiency (success) rate during actual engagement. We teach both from mental and physical perspectives. LEOs hit 3% of their target at 15 yards, 8% at 7yards, and 13% at 3 yards under stressful conditions. The military is surprisingly only slightly higher ( different type of training). In most civilian encounters you won't have time to draw your weapon...if you're lucky you might be able to throw it at the subject. Our weak minds just don't think that fast. So other means need to be utilized to defend yourself.

I read these posts and get the impression that a few may have police training but most are gun lovers and range hounds who have no idea (but think they do) what it's like to defend your life or the life of others. You talk about calibers and stopping power....really? Until you have real life experience in a combat (civilian or military) situation and are actually trained to deal with these types of situations, please don't comment because your opinions don't matter. It's all 'I read an article and go to the range so I'm now an expert'...really??? are you kidding me? Please don't pretend to know how to handle yourself in a real situation because I can guarantee that 99% of you will fail...I don't care how much range training you have. You just don't understand (and never will) the state of mind of an offender and how they will predominately have the upper hand, especially in a home invasion situation. Your range time won't matter. I can count on one hand the people I would trust to be by my side during an actual encounter and none of them are LEOs...but i deal with people with unusual skill sets. Most people I have dealt with in my career and 49 years of life can't handle (mentally or physically) a real life encounter successfully.

Enough said....enjoy your fantasy posts. And please don't respond to this post unless you are qualified to do so. On second thought, please do. My colleagues and I need a laugh now and then.
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