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Old 05-03-2012, 09:17 AM
M29since14 M29since14 is offline
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Originally Posted by rburg View Post
...Just give away the guns now. While you're still alive and no one can argue or protest. Get them gone ahead of time. Then you can cut the protester out of your will! People can and will say anything after you've died, but they won't open their mouth while you're alive.
This is sure the truth - well, at least except for the last sentence. I know a family that wasn't so lucky. Dad decided to divide things up while he was still kicking. The resulting rift between the three sons endures to this day, with two on one side and the third basically mad at the world. That was nearly twenty years ago now. So Dick's final thought there is not always true, but the idea at least is 100%.

"...cut the protestor out of your will!" (Bears repeating.)
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