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Old 05-11-2012, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Aahzz View Post
A little bump won't do it. It takes EFFORT. As I've stated above, I have tried to get it to go out of battery while holstered. IT WON'T. I don't hold my thumb over the slide when holstering or drawing, either. Until you have tried it yourself, quit spreading misinformation.
You know, the above is the whole thing in a nutshell. "The Issue" is not going to happen in any real-world scenario.

Other than making it happen like the dude did in the video, has anyone been able to cause their Shield go into this "condition" while making any move drawing the gun, firing the gun, or holstering the gun?

Uh, no...

I get that once you set the thing up and carefully insert it into your pocket, that you can carefully draw it back out and make it look like that. But under any circumstance can you see this happen other than the staged setup we have witnessed?

Uh, no...

Has anyone been able to make it happen by simply putting it in their pocket?

Uh, no ...

As Fred Sanford would say: "How many times do I have to keep closing this case?"