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Old 05-25-2012, 06:51 PM
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You are right I did paint too broad a brush in that post.It was difficult to feel like I was being attacked for just posting what happened and when I saw it was a senior member who was doing it and it being allowed to stand without any comment by you I equated the inaction on your part to be acceptance of the behavior displayed.It took me stating this to get your input.Heck I was reprimanded for putting a link up one time not knowing it wasn't allowed.If that happened I was thinking how in Hades is this being allowed to happen without comment.JMHO......Mike
Originally Posted by handejector View Post
When you bust a cap and major parts of a gun like the barrel leave the frame, I got no problem with the term "blew up".
That happening twice to you is almost incomprehensible. I'm glad you weren't seriously injured and I certainly understand your chagrin. I've been around shooting and shooters more than 4 decades and I've never known of another person who had the same catastrophic failure TWICE with the same model of gun!
To sum up, we're good up to here- two guns blew up, you got burned, and I don't blame you for being disappointed, angry, and less than confident in S&W's. NO problem.

Here is where our viewpoints diverge seriously:

Now THAT is exageration.
I saw this thread on the 2nd or 3rd day, so Alk's post had been more than adequately handled in the first 24 hours in my opinion. After almost a month, he has not replied or even tried to defend his statement.
scooter's 'opinion' of burns was simply ignored by most of us, since almost all living people have had a burn that didn't blister.
So, I disagree with your assessment. This board is moderated much tighter than most big gun boards. Opinions differ and eloquence, directness, and terminology varies from individual to individual. This is a very different board from what it was years ago. Removing every dissenting opinion from a discussion board doesn't leave much discussion.
You painted with way too broad a brush there.