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Old 08-28-2012, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by jlrhiner View Post
Well done.

Your right, those things are not written anywhere. It is assumed. Along with all those assumptions come exaggerations, misconceptions and outright mistakes. You have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Your rights end where mine begin. No one has a superior standing because of class, wealth or religion. Those that set back and thumb their suspenders and talk about their property rights really don't know of what they speak. Owning property does not give you a superior standing in the eyes of the law. Even defense of said property is only now being reinforced by Castle Doctrine laws.
Nobody said that owning property gives the owner "superior standing". But a property owner DOES enjoy rights on his property that he can't be compelled to share with others, and there is no personal right that can supersede that "authority" on said property. I've said it before, and it rings just as true now; you don't have a 1st or 2nd Amendment right on my property unless I say you do. That doesn't mean you would ever give up your right to self defense if I invited you on my private property, but it DOES mean that as a condition of that invite, I can mandate that you may NOT be armed.

If you really want a demonstration of property rights, miss a couple of property tax payments, then you'll see the real owner of your property exercise their rights.
Even so, the Constitution prohibits that same government from seizing, entering, or searching that property without cause (due process and a warrant). So while property taxes are mandatory in some locales/states, that fact is not sufficient to compel you to forfeit your Constitutionally protected rights.
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