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Old 12-26-2012, 01:58 PM
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PALADIN85020 PALADIN85020 is offline
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Being a cop is a job I know that I would not choose to try to do. They deal with the rotten filth of humankind every day and put their lives at risk in often totally-unexpected situations. I'm glad there are those who are willing to do it, and no amount of money or praise could compensate them for what they endure.

In the military, you know you are going to face an enemy, and you have your brothers-in-arms and the best equipment, training and support system in the world to deal with that, when and if you have to. Dangerous and life-threatening, yes, but the death rate is less than being on the streets for any length of time in Detroit or Chicago.

Cops are undermanned, often alone with inadequate equipment, and face horrible situations that cannot be checked out in advance. The only rule is that there are no rules. The fact that some survive with their sanity intact to take well-earned retirement pay is a miracle. They are subject to the whims of idiotic bureaucrats and often the misguided anger of those they try to protect and serve. They operate under guidelines that often don't make any sense whatsoever. It takes a special kind of man or woman to endure under these circumstances.

My hat is off to them; God bless 'em.

- Cogito, ergo armatus sum -
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