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Old 04-10-2013, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Rgoodwin View Post
Ok so I just shot five rounds from 7 yards and kept the inside knuckle at the base of my trigger finger off the frame. Fore finger pad on the trigger, right pinky overlapping support hand of grip. Base of support hand on the grip applying equal pressure. 3 of 5 on 3 inch bullseye and 2 were just outside the circle left and an inch high. My brain is on fire, I hope I get this squared away soon. Thanks, sorry for high jacking your thread but I've never had so much trouble shooting a pistol.
Do you shoot at the same range all the time? Years ago I got a new pistol that I couldn't hit the floor with, had no trouble with other pistols so I figured the gun was at fault, by chance I shot it at another range and I had no difficulty , I went back to the first range and still couldn't hit what I was aiming at. The only thing that I could figure out was that there was something in the lighting or something else that was playing tricks with my eyes on that particular gun at that particular range. Never really definitively figured it out, ended up selling that one and the new owner loved it.
Minimize the variables
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