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Old 04-28-2013, 01:21 AM
Dukesamson Dukesamson is offline
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Originally Posted by dcjack View Post
First of all, you couldn't really say that a Korth is better than a Smith and Wesson, let's just say they are very 'different'.
I owned a Korth, with a few accessories and won many a pistol competition with it in UK PAA Police Championships at Bisley in England.

Was a bit of an odd ball in the line up as when people saw it, no one had any idea what it was, they'd never forget after they saw it shoot. The engineering on the gun is incredible and the double action is incredibly smooth and snappy. As you rotate the cylinder when pulling the trigger' even with earmuffs on you can feel the movement so you know exactly when the hammer will fall. The finish is amazing - well before making comment you would need to pick one up an you will see what I mean.
However, there is a draw back, which I could prove to anyone - the engineering is so precise, that if you were to fire say 18 - 24 rounds in quick succession, given quick reloads of course, the heat within the cylinder would expand the cylinder in the frame so that it actually wouldn't rotate, this was because the engineering is so fine ! You had to wait for it to cool down to continue or as in the case of a Korth, swap a cylinder. The cylinder rotates the opposite way to a Smith so don't get caught out.
In short, pick one up and get a feel of it and I think many an opinion in this thread would change. Since the complete ban on all handguns in the UK, my Korth is now probably part of some metal grid on the highway sad.
Did you have to surrender gun to any one in particular and was there any way to gift/sell it outside UK. Did gov. provide any compensation?
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