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Old 06-08-2013, 07:15 AM
Nframecollector Nframecollector is offline
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Originally Posted by SW_shooter View Post
Unfortunately around our hood that kind of thing will get you on a short list for retribution. The gangs and drug dealers don't take kindly to someone putting a beating on their users.

A few years a go a young lad put a whoop'n on a gang member. A death threat was immediately put on the kid. He was sent off to his dad's home in another area. So the gang moved the death threat to his younger sister. Word got around and the neighbors of the family of the young girl banded together and set up a "watch" at the ends of the street she lived on. The mother set pots and pans around and under windows at night before going to bed. She slept with a 12ga at the side of the bed and a 38spl under her pillow.

Eventually some leaders from a different gang where able to talk the rival gang members down from their desire to hurt this young girl as she was an innocent. Her brother still has a death threat hanging over his head and rarely visits his mom's house in fear he'll be caught there and beat'n or worse.

I know it's true because it's my girl friend's son. It all happened prior to me entering the picture. So while it might sound like a fun or good idea to put a scare into the thieves, in some areas all you'll accomplish is putting a bigger target on your back.

So we keep to ourselves and keep our stuff as nice as we can and keep our guns loaded and handy day and night.
So you're saying let these useless thugs control our lives? I don't think so!
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