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Old 06-28-2013, 02:10 AM
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Dezfan Dezfan is offline
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Time after time, board after board I hear the same thing! "It's not fair"!

Well guess what, you're right! It isn't fair. But that's life. No one is responsible for you having ammo other than you!

You have to make getting ammo a priority, you have to be willing to sacrifice for it, and you have to put in some work. If you don't, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

I decided after the last scare that I wouldn't be caught short again. I made acquiring a cache a priority. I stepped away from another long time hobby and liquidated all of equipment I had for it to put toward my cache.

I have sacrificed time and sleep waiting in line for ammo. It's one of the only ways to get ammo in this market without resorting to the secondary market and the crazy prices. I will continue to stand in line and continue to add to my cache so that I can continue to shoot and to be even better prepared for the next scare.

So can we stop w/ the accusations from those unwilling or unable to wait in line that everyone that does is a flipper or a hoarder, they are incorrect.

Most of the people I have meet are just regular people looking for ammo. I'm made a couple new friends, made contacts that have helped me find new firearms and ammo. That doesn't mean that flippers aren't doing it, but they are not the majority as some would have you believe.
Molon Labe!
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