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Old 07-02-2013, 08:40 PM
paplinker paplinker is offline
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Originally Posted by rburg View Post
The fault of texting isn' the texting itsself, its where you do it. No one would care if the texter went to the bathroom or to the lunch area, got out of doorways and crowded aisles, or even just kept on moving. No one cares how you get carpel tunnel as long as you're not in the way of everyone else. But we know the self centered who text insist on doing it while being in the way. I guess so all the rest of us can see how cool they really are.

Years ago many gun show go-ers developed the art of jostling folks who just stand in the way, on purpose. Its not really bumping into them, but sometimes there is no other way to get around them. The worst offenders were wives of guys who wanted to look. They weren't interested enough to get out of the way and stand next to him and look too. They wanted him to get moving because they were bored. Often with kids. And sometimes with strollers, taking up the entire aisle. Those with particularly large bottoms really choked the flow of traffic. And they felt no remorse, feeling the problem was their hubby who paid $10 to get into the show and then refused to keep moving, instead actually looking at something. My guess is they also had a fear the guy might actually purchase something and there goes the next 5 pairs of shoes.

One of the past times of table holders is watching the crowd. Sure, we talk with each other, and also with the customers who stop to talk. But often you have from a minute to a half hour of dead time (then you get swamped for the next hour). Sad as it may seem, we only rarely get a good table location. We're out with the unwashed masses where the promoter feels good about squishing the tables together and leaving very small aisles to pass in. To him its money. But then the wife comes along an simply must stand directly behind him, causing unbelievable traffic snarls. Once in a while you hear a husband who's had enough of it tell his wifey to go stand by the door if she can't stay out of the way.

So now we have this new pestilence upon the land, texters. It was probably predictable that they'd exhibit the same skills in a crowded room they learned out on the interstates. The most important thing is ignoring all outside influences and pound the keys. No one else has any importance, and its their right to be in the way, unmoving. I see a clash coming in the future.

OGCA won't even allow folks to rest at the end of the aisles, the only place they leave adequate room to pass someone. At many of the shows they put someone in charge of the PA system who hates loitering. They actually demand no one stand along the front wall. I would guess they're afraid of hookers or muggers getting into the building. It results in them clogging the aisles where others want to move and see things.

In many restaurants a growing number of people want jammers so those super important folks can't talk at full volume during meals. Of course the talk is just chit-chat. But few of those have any idea they're broadcasting their little discussion to everyone for 20 or so feet in any direction. One time in a restaurant a girl was having a pretty personal talk with a girlfriend and said something pretty embarrassing. About half the place broke up laughing. When she realized we were laughing at her she got really mad. At least the texters are quiet in their rudeness.

At a huge show the size of OGCA, you get bumped maybe 20 to 30 times a day. I assume its not intentional, it just happens. On occasion you find a person who has less crowd walking skills than is normal. Those folks get bumped constantly and some get a little upset. Except they're the ones who move right in the way of a flowing stream of people. If the stream is flowing and you want to stop, step out of it! When you want back in, look first. If you're texting and take a step in any direction, expect to get bumped. If you're motionless, blocking some poor guys table, sooner or later a bona fide customer will want to look at something right in front of you. If you're not all consumed with the screen and looking, it might be different. But the texters are all just taking up space. Oh how I wish I had a portable jammer. One that would allow me to kill the signals of the idiot in front of me. Walking and on the road.
I have been experiencing the backwards walkers lately at the shows. They are saying goodby to someone or are conversing while blindly backing up into the crowd.I had to put my hand on one not to get wacked. Same with the huge backpack guy. Gotta be on your toes anymore and know when to dodge or weave.
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