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Old 01-19-2014, 11:23 AM
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Swissman Swissman is offline
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Default Long long time ago.... A buddy's find in a antique-furniture-shop

Many moons ago strayed a young man trough the streets of Zurich which
hasn't got a good reputation. Back in this time one found on every corner
small shops which offered the things that the common people needs day for day.
No H&M, McDonald, Walmart exist or other shopchains tooked over downtown
of Zurich. He passed by the window of an antique-shop which solds asian-
furniture, flintlock-replica and other decoration-stuff. But in all this things, this
young man saw something silvershimmering and he recognized the shape of a
Colt SAA. He was already bitten by the Cowboy-bug, and he walked into the
shop to have a look at this nice replica. While he handled this thing he found
out that the gun could be a real Colt. The pricetag was right and he left the
shop to plunder his bankaccount. Soon he went back home with a Colt SAA.
He never fired the gun, but he really likes it. Someone gold-plated this nickel-
version, which was not a good idea. The most of the gold disappeared in be-

After many many years and with the advent of the internet, he asked a gun-
dealerto gave him some information about this maybe real Colt SAA.
They found out, that the gun was produced in .41 Colt in 1893. The gun was
sold to a big dealer in New York. The inscription on the barrel and the horse
at the cylinder shows, that the gun was altered by Colt to .45 Long Colt. But
it is not clear, if the guns was sold first as .41 Colt or if it was changed before
the shipping.

Anyway, I was curious to have a look at the gun, and the clubmember brought
it today to the range. I offered him to take some picture and show the gun to
some gun-nerds in the internet. He agreed and so I am happy to introduce
you this very special Colt SAA. We are not sure, if the grips are ivory, we
have no information about the engravings etc. But we can tell you that the
timing, lockwork and lockup is still great.

The light at the working-bench in the shootingclub was not good. One spot-
light at the sealing, but we hope you like the pics anyway. I reduced them to
1200 x xxx pixels. So if you like to see fullsize, click at the picture.
We will be happy to read your comments, opinions and information.

Swissman and the (I guess) lucky owner.

We hope you enjoyed the show
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